Seems like there’s a surge of head-scratching developments before election time in Saratoga Springs every two years, and this year is no different. Here’s two late-breaking items:
Citing her failure to denounce a mailing distributed by the Saratoga County Democratic Commitee, a campaign watchdog group found Saturday evening that the Joanne Yepsen campaign had engaged in unfair campaigning in the race for Saratoga Springs mayor.
The two-sided postcard, shown below, accuses Yepsen’s opponent, Republican Shauna Sutton, of secretly “double-dipping,” or collecting $120,000 in city taxpayer money from her part-time job at Greenridge Cemetery in addition to her $66,693 annual salary as deputy mayor over the last six years. The committee paid for the mailer and sent it to voters last week.
The cemetery is a non-profit facility that has for decades received $20,000 a year from the city for maintenance of its eight city-owned acres. Sutton has worked as at the cemetery for 37 years, and continued in the job of part-time treasurer and trustee during her tenure as deputy mayor. She earns just more than $20,000 a year for her work at the cemetery. Sutton said there was nothing secret about the part-time pay, as she’s disclosed it, and Mayor Scott Johnson has announced at City Council meetings. She said it’s not double dipping because while the city contributes to property upkeep, her salary at the cemetery comes through private sources such as burials, lot sales and bank interest. Sutton says that she completes her duties at the cemetery during her own time, after her full-time hours in City Hall.
Over the weekend, the Sutton campaign filed a complaint about the county Democratic Committee’s mailer to The Fair Campaign Practices of the Capital Region. In a quick ruling on Saturday evening, the group said the Yepsen camp had violated a principle of a Fair Campaign Pledge signed by both candidates. It promises to “not use, permit the use of or condone the use of any campaign material or advertisement that misrepresents, distorts, or otherwise falsifies a fact or facts regarding either the candidate or an opponent.” While the county committee was responsible for the postcard, Yepsen had declined to publicly denounce its content, the group’s board members unanimously ruled.
“Joanne Yepsen has distorted my record,” Sutton said in a statement. “This is an example of what’s bad about politics, and Joanne should be ashamed of herself.”
Members of The Fair Campaign Practices of the Capital Region, including Barb Thomas from the Saratoga County League of Women Voters, held phone conferences Saturday to consider the complaint. Sutton and her campaign representative, Andrew Davis, spoke. Neither county Democratic Committee Chairman Todd Kerner nor Yepsen were represented.
Fair Campaign Practices invited Kerner and the Yepsen campaign to speak late Saturday, but did not inform them that the evening’s discussions amounted to an official hearing on the postcard. Yepsen said in a statement she saw the campaign flyer only last Wednesday and didn’t hear about the complaint until Saturday night.
“In this short time, I have not yet been able to assess all of the facts,” Yepsen said. “I will say I am shocked that the campaign fairness committee conducted themselves so unprofessionally, gave us no notice of a hearing and ruled on an issue without any representation from the county Democratic Party. And, if the allegations on the flyer are true, they are troubling. If elected mayor, there will be no secondary employment by organizations that accept city funds by myself or my deputy mayor.”
Here is the disputed mailing:
Front page hit piece on Shauna (2).pdf by Dennis Yusko
back page hit piece on Shauna.pdf by Dennis Yusko
In a separate issue, the Saratoga Springs School District released a statement Friday reminding school district employees that it was against district policy to engage in political activities after Bob Rice, a Republican candidate for the Wilton Town Board, published an endorsement attributed to Stuart Byrne, principal of the Maple Avenue Middle School.
“The district has been informed by Mr. Byrne that the quote attributed to him by the Rice campaign in his capacity as middle school principal was issued without his authorization,” Superintendent Michael Piccirillo said. “We are issuing this statement at this time simply to insure that no one has the impression that the school district or Mr. Byrne, in his capacity as middle school principal, has taken any position in favor of or against the election involving Mr. Rice.”